How to Reset your WordPress Password through phpMyAdmin

Forgetting your password can be irritating, especially when it comes to managing your WordPress website. But don't worry—if you find yourself totally locked out of your WordPress Dashboard, there's a simple but effective application called phpMyAdmin that can help you restore access.

Whether you're an experienced WordPress developer or a WordPress website owner exploring the backend, resetting your WordPress password with phpMyAdmin is a quick and secure option. We'll walk you through the process of recovering your login credentials without using emails or plugins, allowing you to regain control of your site quickly.

Log in to your Account Manager.

In our example we use a typical CPanel Dashboard. CPanel does not offer every web host but their dashboards look most of the time quite similar.

PHP MyAdmin on CPanel

Open your phpMyAdmin 

Locate your WordPress Database and click on the wp-users table in the left column. WP is the default prefix of a Database Table, it may be possible that the Prefix is different than wp.

PHPMyAdmin WordPress Usertable Example

Locate Your User:

In the table, find the user whose password you want to reset.

Edit the Password Field:

Click on “Edit” for that WordPress user and find the user_pass field. This represents the Hash of the WordPress User Password.

Change the Password:

Set the function to MD5, then enter your new password Hash – not the password itself! – in the “Value” field. The Password Hash you have created previously via our Password Generator Tool at !

New WordPress Password Hash

Save Changes:
Click “Go” at the bottom to save the new Data, and your password will be updated.

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